Ep. 130: Unbreakable Mindset With Master Barber Arthur Lyle Beauty Industry Professional


Power isn't just handed over to you - it's taken.


That's something that I like to remind you guys of because I truly believe it. Power isn't going to be handed over to you. You have to take it for yourself, believe that you have it, and use it to get what you want. We all have goals, we all have things that we want to achieve, and we all have the ability to take that power and get where we want to go.

My guest for this episode is the perfect example of this. Master Barber Arthur Lyle didn't grow up with the most perfect life. He went through a lot of challenges that most of us probably can't even imagine. But he never let those things stop him. Through his faith, he developed the Unbreakable Mindset, the thing that keeps him going no matter what life throws at him. And it's his ultimate key to success.

So what are you waiting for? Let's do this.



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [11:32]  First Arthur tells us a...

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Ep. 129: Beauty Angels Founder Kler Rosenberg Opens Up About Branco Babic And Phi Brows


Kler Rosenberg has majorly transformed the beauty industry.


That's not an exaggeration. That's not a groundbreaking thing to say. It's just the truth. She's literally a master of microblading and she's teaching other microbladers her masterful skills and just building this empire of incredibly talented PMU artists. She's incredible and I'm so honored that she agreed to come on the podcast and share all of her secrets with us. (I'm kidding - Kler doesn't have secrets).

A lot of people will look at social media, look at Kler's online presence, and think "Oh well she has it made. Look at her, her life is just perfect, I bet she was born with all of this." Because we love to make assumptions about people. We love to believe that we can be little detectives and figure out an entire person's life just by looking at a couple of pictures they post online.

But Kler struggled for her success. She fought for it. She always believed in herself and she...

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Ep. 128: Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet In Your Salon, Studio, Or Online Business


2020 was the hardest year for me in my business - BUT it was also my best year yet.


I know that this year has been hard and a lot of businesses have been struggling. I don't say that I've had my best year yet to gloat - I say it because I want you to know that even through all of this struggle it is possible. 

This year is coming to a close but that doesn't mean you can't put into motion the things you need to make 2021 your best year - no matter what happens.

So I'm not going to make you wait any longer to get this juicy info, okay? Let's just jump right into this episode where I tell you exactly how I managed to make this difficult difficult year such a success.



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [02:45]  2020 has been a hard year for a lot of businesses but I'm happy to say that despite having to cancel my big event Pretty Ambitious Summit and having closed my studio pretty much since March, this year has been...

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Ep. 124: Getting What You Want In The Beauty Business


To get what you want in life - you can't let ANYTHING stop you.


2020 has been a very telling year for businesses. It really has. Those that can adapt and evolve when faced with unexpected challenges are going to be the ones that make it, and I want you to be one of them, okay?

This year has been hard for all of us. Some of you might just be getting started in the beauty industry and you're wondering "how am I going to make it work through all of this," or "how do I get what I want from my business when things are uncertain?" It's not every year that we're faced with something like a global pandemic but you will always face challenges in your business. So let's not sit and wallow in our challenges, okay?

Let's talk about how to get exactly what you want out of your business, no matter what.



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [02:32]  So I'm not going to avoid it. A lot of us are having to close up our salons again as we go...

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Ep. 122: Predicting Your Sales In Your Beauty Business Before It Happens: Tips To Provide Stability In Your PMU, Lash Or Microblading Company


Not having a way to predict your sales is hurting your business.


You know it, I know it, we all know it. When you don't have a way to predict your sales you're basically just sailing the ocean without a map and no way to guide yourself, just hoping for the best. It's just not sustainable.

You go into every month not knowing how much money you're going to make or having the vaguest idea. If you're not aware of your numbers, how are you going to grow? I know what this is like because I experienced this too when I was first starting out in PMU. I had no idea how to predict what my income would be and I was constantly stressed out!

Listen, mama, you're already trying to run a business by yourself. That ish is hard. If you want to make it work, you've got to get a handle on your numbers. This is something that we cover with all of our members in Pretty Rich Bosses because I know that having a predictable income is KEY to the longevity of your business. It...

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Ep. 120: How To Get More PMU Clients Through Instagram DMs And Improve Your Lash Or Microblading Beauty Business


You HAVE to SHOW your clients that they NEED your service.


Sales is all about tapping into pain points and showing your clients that you can alleviate that pain for them. You can take it all away and make their lives so much better if they just buy your product or service.

This is something we cover extensively in my program, Pretty Rich Bosses. We give you all of the tools you need to build a successful beauty business. And I know that these tools work because I used them myself to build my own six-figure beauty business.

When you join the program you not only get access to all of the courses in Pretty Rich University and private coaching, but you also get access to the Facebook Group. For this episode, I recorded a clip from one of our Q&A sessions where a member asked for advice on closing more sales through Instagram DMs.

If you want to know if Pretty Rich Bosses is the program for you, what are you waiting for? This is just a glimpse at all...

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Ep. 118: What You Need To Know Before Expanding Your PMU Business


Everybody makes mistakes.


But sometimes we're still embarrassed about the fact that we made a mistake. Sometimes we're so ashamed that we hide the fact that we messed up from everyone because we're afraid of being judged.

Here's the thing, you can't be a successful entrepreneur without making mistakes. I know that doesn't sound right. How can you be successful if you're making mistakes, right? Well, it means you're taking risks. It means you're trying new things, that you're pushing the envelope. You're testing the waters to see what's possible for your business.

That's how successful entrepreneurs are built. So for this episode, I'm going to share a mistake I made fairly early on in my business. And it was costly, okay? It was not a cheap mistake. But I overcame it. And I'm sharing it so that maybe it will keep you from making this mistake too.

Because that is the really great thing about having a successful business and teaching others about...

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This episode is going to make you EXCUSE-LESS.


We all love our excuses, okay! We can't help it. They're just so easy...and so reliable...so comfortable...cozy...

BUT they're not helping us get anywhere! They're not helping us achieve the success we're dreaming of. Can you imagine asking an entrepreneur how they became so rich and successful and their answer being "oh I just made excuses all the time."


It doesn't work that way. Your excuses are only getting in your way. And I can guarantee that our guest for this episode is going to make you look at your excuses and say "um...what the hell am I letting THAT stop me for?" So if you're ready to shove those silly excuses aside and actually get to work building the life and business of your dreams, check out this episode with the incredible inspirational six-figure microblading artist Amanda Breuer.


Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [15:00]  For those of you who are unfortunately...

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Ep. 116: Sales Mindset: What You Need To Know Before Selling Your PMU Course, Microblading, Or Any PMU Service Honestly


If you're not where you want to be in your business it's probably because you haven't implemented a solid sales strategy.


Sales are everything.

I mean, obviously, they are the way that you are going to make money. Sales are the way that you are going to have a successful, thriving, long-lasting, beauty business. So if you're not in the right sales mindset, you need to make a shift.

This is a strategy that we deep dive into in my coaching program, Pretty Rich Bosses, but I'm going to give you some tips here for free. I'll even give you my Microblading Sales Script for free to help you in this process because I truly believe that if you just approach sales the right way you will see a massive, positive shift in your business. What are you waiting for, sister friend? Let's do this!



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [03:38]  What is wrong with the mindset most beauty professionals have with sales?

‣‣  [04:51]  How do...

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Ep. 112: What I Learned About Beauty Marketing From Dancing At A Gentlemen's Club And Now Working In The Microblading, Lips, And Liner Sales Business


Beauty marketing and Gentlemen's Clubs - what do they have in common?


Um. A lot actually.

Have you ever seen the movie Hustlers? Those girls are WORKING for their money. It's not just about looking pretty. It's about strategy. It's about, you guess it, marketing!

For this episode, I brought on one of my good friends and sales advisors, Victoria Racca, who just so happened to be a dancer at a gentlemen's club for three years before she got into PMU. We talk all about strip clubs, sugar babies, marketing and sales strategies, and all of the advice you need to succeed in the beauty industry. 



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [05:15]  First of all, my theory is that marketing and sales are just like The Bachelor. Yeah?

‣‣  [07:07]  Here, I ask Victoria to take us back a bit and tell us about her life before she got into PMU.

‣‣  [09:59]  Victoria never hid the fact that she worked as a dancer but did struggle to find...

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